At time of writing 46.57638N, 112.20361W at 4401.01ft 6:20pm (seattle time)
We just crossed the continental divide, which is the point at which the rivers flow in different directions (so any rivers to the west flow west, any to the east flow east). This is quite exciting for me as I have always wanted to see it for strange historical reasons, but instead have only flown over it before. Stef and I took a ton of pictures at a nice lookout point. Hopefully we will be able to put them together into a giant panorama later. Although we are only 6 miles from the capital of the state, it is still very rural. Also, giant billboards featuring Jesus and the Ten Commandments can be seen from the highway. Another weird trivia fact is that Montana has different speed limits depending on if it is day or night, most likely due to the abundant wildlife (we saw a bear warning posted at the gas station)
Also at the gas station: a sign that said "NO CORKED BOOTS". What does that even MEAN?
apparently it means "no uggs. Who knew Montanans were such fashion police?
[a more useful answer can probably be inferred from this page]
Ooooh, I see. Looks like studded tires, only for shoes! I could see how they wouldn't want that in their store.
Texas and Oklahoma have the day/night speed limit thing going, and I think Utah might as well.
You run into any CDT hikers? :-)
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