Sunday, June 8, 2008

In the Desert

as of writing this, 47.10356N 119.69152W at 1178.81ft 11:21am local
We passed through the mountains, and stopped briefly in Vantage, WA for gas. A couple asked stef about the mini, and oohed and aahed over it. There was also a very creepy sign at the gas station that said, "We've been expecting you!" eek!
The cell modem appears to not work with edge connections, only 3G connections. This means I will only be able to use it near cities. The good news is that I-90 rest areas all seem to be wifi enabled. This blows my mind as I had no idea the government could do something this useful.

I say we are in the desert, but really large portions of it are farmlands irrigated by the Columbia river. The gas station attendants were talking about how rattlesnakes were around, but generally harmless. I have not seen any so far.

note: You have to park really close to the hut, otherwise no signal.

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