We some cool discoveries today: a brewpub named The Grumpy Troll (they had an awesome belgian called "monk sweat" and a nice malty blend called "Curly." After that we went to a house designed by a very eccentric man (Alex Jordan) called The House on the Rock. It was very very "fallingwater"-esque, with balances. Small spaces opening up to huge spaces and lots of stone and stained glass. Also very low ceilings, which is odd considering how tall he was. also Frank Lloyd Wright's "Talesin" was right around the corner and we didn't even know it.
We are really lucking out with the weather, storms bearing down on us just dissolve as long as we get to a more urban area first. My guess is that the head dissipates it or something. Or God is just being nice to us. Also noteworthy is that some MORE of the areas we were just in are now under interesting weather warnings. Chicago ahoy! we now take a dip southward.
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