Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As of writing this: 43.60892N 96.4457W at 1740.18ft 6:11pm, Central Time
For the record, I don't like Eastern South Dakota. There are very "in your face" anti-abortion billboards every mile or so,
swarms of bugs magically attracted to windshields, and using my credit card in this state caused my credit card company to think I was commiting fraud or something. The highway is also RED in places, which is a bit eerie. Also, the wind is a constant gale, so anytime you try to have a snack at a rest area, everything goes flying away. About the only good parts are the woody western parts of the state. We are now in Minnesota though, so things should start getting better. Whups, spoke too soon, just drove by another anti-abortion billboard. The slight irony is that sandwiched between the "God loves YOU, good works don't matter" (really, we saw one that said this) and the socially-conservative political billboards are numerous signs for 24 hour "Adult Novelty stores." I am not trying to be political, it is just very surreal as I don't remember any billboards like this growing up in PA. Oh, and we stopped at a small coffee shop we had high hopes for, but it was mainly a bored woman and her bored son looking surprised to see customers. Still, the lattes were pretty good. We used up our sandwiches at lunch, so we are stopping at applebees for dinner. I think we will both sleep well tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those billboards won't end until you've reached Chicagoland, and you're absolutely right about the irony. I can't help thinking that both sorts are a reaction to each other.