Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Montana!

At time of writing: 46.59700N, 112.93431W at 4205.33ft 5:36pm (seattle time)
So, my phone says we have moved 2 time zones over and that the actual time is 7:36 local.
We are largely out of the really huge mountains, and more into the smaller, greener mountains.
There are a lot of small towns nestled in the valleys. Signs for the annual testicle festival are everywhere.
I wish I were kidding. Apparently they are quite tasty, but I have no desire to put this theory to the test.
We stopped for gas and got most of the bugs off Stef's windshield again.
The directions on the GPS unit, which had been saying "Turn in 380 miles" are now saying "Turn in 3.7 miles"
We are getting close to the end of the day's driving. sort of.


Anonymous said...

I can confirm that testicle shish kebab is rather tasty. And yes, I did eat that on a dare, but having done so I'd have them again.

stef said...

Well then this is your kind of place - we saw at least 5 billboards for, (amazingly WORK SAFE!!! :-D) which has more info in case you'd like to drive 8 hours to walk around harassing gas station shopkeepers with corked boots and eat some testicle shish kebab. (Mental image: priceless...)

Louis Martinez said...! But awesome for "testyfesty"!

stef said...

Yes, their PR people are top notch :)

Anonymous said...

testyfesty FTW! I'm more used to euphemisms, like the "prairie oysters" ma Monk alluded to, or "Rocky Mountain Oysters". I like it when restaurants call food what it is, be it "roast pig" or "bull's testicles".