Monday, June 9, 2008


Since leaving Seattle, we've had excellent weather for driving - sunny and warm, except for a few cold mountain passes. Only a few sprinkles so far. Even though it's looked like we were heading into some heavy rainstorms on a few occasions, the highway keeps veering off in the direction of nicer weather.

We arrived in Rapid City this evening just on the heels of a severe thunderstorm, and after leaving Mount Rushmore this evening we saw some really awesome lightning in the distance.

It would be nice if we managed to have good weather during the entire trip, but it sounds like the midwest is getting a lot of rain. And some rain would rid my windshield of all the squished bugs. :\ But I'll take the sun while I can get it. Coming from drizzly Seattle with its winter-like weather in June, I am liking the sun and warmth!

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