Monday, June 9, 2008

Mt. Rushmore!

I thought I was too cynical to enjoy Mt Rushmore, but it is really quite breath-taking, especially at night. We found out it was open until 10pm, so we hopped in the car and saw it. The park itself was only 20 minutes away! We arrived just as 1) a movie narrated by either Avery Brooks (Capt. Sisko from Star Trek: DS9) or James Earl Jones (Darth Vader), I couldn't tell, and 2) a strange old man broke wind excessively and continuously while walking in front of us. It was horrible. We couldn't escape. So we bought ourselves ice cream from passive aggressive ice cream vendors who Really Didn't Want to Be There. We took a ton of pictures of the monument. I will link to those once we have a chance. Us visiting at night is also good as it is one less thing to do tomorrow. Woo!

1 comment:

melcon said...

I too a cynic, have sorta secretly always wanted to go there, luckily photos don't smell!!! LOL! :)